This I Believe…

I believe that opportunity doesn’t come from luck. Since I was born until now, I’ve experienced many different opportunities, and some of those opportunities are believed to come from luck. When I was 10, I’ve got a scholarship to study in one of the best school in Cambodia, Liger Learning Center. No one ever heard of the school before, after learning more about the school my parents reluctantly send me here. After my first year in Liger, I’ve learned and experienced so many things that I wouldn’t be able to learn from the government school in the country. At that point, my relative keeps reminding me how lucky I am, and they believe that because of all the good things I did in my past life, that’s what brings me all the good luck for this life. Some people might think that it’s crazy, but I believed them. As I grow older I’ve learned that it not that simple, praying and wishing for luck is not what bring you all the successfulness. Whenever I went back home, my neighbor or relatives that visit me always asked about my school life, and what school I go to. As always I told them about Liger. Their reaction is very similar “You’re a very lucky girl you must’ve done a lot of good things from your past life” or “You are very lucky!”. As always, I nodded, then smile. Deep down inside me, I knew what brings me here. It’s not luck, it’s not a coincidence and it’s not something that was the plan all along. Nonetheless, I believe that everything that I achieved, comes from all the hard work and motivation that I’ve put in, which are the elements that shape me into the person I am today. The social norms, that education is not for girls, and stereotype that girls can’t go any further than the kitchen. That is what motivates me to work harder every day to prove that I can do more than just growing up, getting married, raise my children to be a housewife, and be done with my life. I want to be a famous author, where everyone in the world knows about me. Although I know it’s quite impossible. I want to help those who are in need, I want to help to make changes to my country. All of those are what motivates me to work harder and harder, trying to make the impossible become possible. However, I still say that I’m very lucky to go to a very great school and experienced incredible things that not a lot of children my age does, and I’m very thankful for all of those experienced. I strongly believe that all my hard work bring me luck, and those lucks leads me to the different opportunities in my life.

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