I was honored to be selected as the Head Chair for a Junior General Assembly at the ISPPMUN 2018. In the committee, delegates discussed three different topics: the question of the protection of net neutrality, preserving cultures, and languages, and transition to renewable energy.

Many would expect that chairing for a junior committee with younger delegates would be easier, however, I believe that a junior assembly requires greater focus, attention, and dedication from the chair in order for the committee to run smoothly. Although I was struggling at first to create a comfortable and respectful environment in the committee, I soon figured the way and had ensured that all the delegates are benefiting from the conference.

The experience as the head chair has forced me into a leadership position where I have to be sensitive to the delegate’s need including, helping with writing resolution, providing the necessary information, as well as setting up a friendly and comfortable environment for delegates to share their point of views.

Delegates and chairs of JGA2

Taking part with MUN always allow me to expand my knowledge regarding the United Nations and understanding more of the global current event. I have met many other people my age, whom I could learn and grow from. I am very grateful that I took a chance and applied for this position. It was very challenging, yet, memorable experience.  



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