

Elephants are the largest land animals in the world . They also are very gentle and have good memories .They are fighting to survive . They are very important animals because they help the ecosystem in the forest and biodiversity.
There are 2 type of elephants, Asian elephants, and African elephants. Africa elephants have bigger ears than Asian elephants . The skin is more wrinkled than Asian elephants.The African elephants are heavier than the Asian elephants.The African elephants both males and females have long tusks. The Asian elephants are only the males that have a long tusks.
In one day they spend 18 hours eating a food . Every day the adult elephants eat 181.4 kg of food.They also drink 113.5 liter of water per a day. They also use their tusks to help drink a water, eat food, and communicating. They usually live in groups of females and young males. The female elephants live in groups for their whole live.The male elephants usually leaves a groups between 12 – 17 years old to live in a smell herds or live alone. The old female elephants call matriarch she leads the groups. She keep the groups safely and help teach the young elephants to find food and water.
They use their ears to keep their body cool. They also can use their ears to hear faraway, shoo insects, and to show feeling. They use their tusks to carry things, pull bark off trees and that can make a pathway for other small animals to walk . Their trunks are above the lip .The elephants teeth are size like one brick.
The elephants are very important animals. They help maintaining biodiversity in the forest. When the elephants walk they can pull out the trees that also can make the pathway for the other animals to walk. The elephants are not only help the animals. They also help the plant to grow. You might wonder how the elephants help the plants to grow. The elephants help the plant by eat the fruit and spread the seeds away though their dung (poop). Many plants are disappear without elephant because of the people cut it to sell or sometime the small trees down the grown under the big trees not get a lot of sun. When they pull off the trees they help the new plants to grow. When we has a lot of big trees the sun is not reach the grass antelopes that eat grass are die fraze animals that eat antelopes are die. All the animals are die because they don’t have a food to eat and also they don’t have help from the elephants. All of these animals will disappear .

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